About the Journal

CUBO, A Mathematical Journal is a scientific journal founded in 1985 by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. The journal publishes original results of research papers, preferably not more than 20 pages, which contain substantial results in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. Three issues are published per year, in April, August and December.

The articles published in CUBO, A Mathematical Journal are indexed or summarized by:

ESCI (Web of Science)

Information for authors

A PDF file of the manuscript should be submitted using this OJS platform. The work must be in English. Submitted manuscripts should be written by the author in LaTeX or any other variant, such as AMS-LATEX.

Authors must supply the journal with an email address and current postal address (if applicable) with their affiliation on the last page of the manuscript. The manuscripts submitted to CUBO should not exceed 25 pages in length. In these, there should contain a brief abstract (no more than two hundred fifty words), keywords and the MSC2020 - Mathematics Subject Classification codes corresponding to the topic of the paper.

All papers submitted to CUBO are pre-evaluated by the Editorial Board, who can decide to reject those articles considered imprecise, unsuitable or lacking in mathematical soundness. These manuscripts will not continue the editorial process and will be returned to their author(s).

Those articles that fulfill CUBO's editorial criteria will proceed to an external evaluation by expert referees in the area, following a single blind peer review process. This means that the referee identities are kept confidential for authors, throughout the review process. This referees will write a report with a recommendation to the editors regarding the possibility that the paper may be published. The referee report should be received within 120 days, after a referee has agreed to review the manuscript. If the paper is accepted, the authors will have 15 days to apply all modifications suggested by the editorial board.

The final acceptance of the manuscripts is decided by the Editor-in-chief and the Managing editor, based on the recommendations by the referees and the corresponding Associate editor. The author will be formally communicated of the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript by the Editor in Chief or by Managing Editor.

All opinions and research results present in the articles are of exclusive responsibility of the authors.

Submitting: By submitting a paper to this journal, authors certify that the manuscript has not been previously published nor is it under consideration for publication by another journal or similar publication. There are no submission charges in CUBO.

Manuscript: Manuscripts must be written in English and submitted either through the Journal's website or to the email cubo@ufrontera.cl. The first page should contain a short descriptive title, the name(s) of the author(s), the institutional affiliation and complete address (including e-mail) of each author. Paper should be accompanied by a short abstract, keywords and phrases (a maximum of 6 keywords or 4 phrases) and Mathematical Subject Classification. References are indicated in the text by consecutive arabic numeral enclosed in square brackets. The full list should be collected and typed at the end of the paper in numerical order.

Press requirement: The abstract should be no longer than 250 words. CUBO Journal strongly encourages the use of LATEX for manuscript preparation. References should be headed numerically, alphabetically organized and complete in all its details. Authors‘ initial should precede their name; journal title abbreviations should follow the style of Mathematical Reviews.

All papers published are Copyright protected. Total or partial reproduction of papers published in CUBO is authorized, either in print or electronic form, as long as CUBO, A Mathematical Journal is cited as publication source and is not used for commercial purposes.

Open Access Policy

CUBO provides open access to its content on the principle that the global exchange of knowledge is strengthened by making research freely and promptly available to the public. Our Journal is entirely free of charge to both authors and readers. All publication fees are covered by Universidad de La Frontera.

The papers published in CUBO are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License